Monday, June 27, 2011

Sooooo..... Friday morning to Sunday night we had DRY PANTIES!!!! :D There was an overnight mishap (probably more my fault due to giving Emma Kate a big drink before bed...) and then a little slip up Monday morning, but we are on a clean and dry streak again! The Dora temporary tattoos have long since been finished out, and only occasionally does she ask for one, then she is content to get a MONSTER BLUE (blueberry) or a sticker instead as a reward for dry panties. She has been really good about going on her own, and sometimes will just disappear, then a few moments later we hear the potty music playing!!! Last night she went right to bed, no stalling or practice runs after I said that was it, but tonight she was up and down for about an hour or so, making practice runs and standing at the top of the stairs at the gate waiting for me to notice. It's so hard to say "go back to bed and don't get out... unless you have to go potty... and I mean really potty... not practice..." I'm not exactly certain that she gets the concept of really having to go vs practice, but sometimes it seems to work.

Gretta has had a rough couple of days- I hope it's just teething... She's been happy most of the time, but will just suddenly scream and cry for no other apparent reason. She also woke up from her nap today and after bed tonight screaming bloody murder. It took a while to settle her back down this afternoon, but was much better tonight. So far she's doing really well with her solid foods, and really seems to enjoy being a part of the table.

We're hoping to catch a killer tonight- a raccoon has been killing our chickens lately- we have lost I think 6 hens in the last 2-3 weeks, plus having Dan die, we are down to only two hens left. Luckily the broody one is still there, and we are constantly reinforcing the coop- last night the raccoon actually pried off a piece of siding on the coop and dragged one hen out through there. Unbelievable. We've got a trap set tonight with sardines in it, so hopefully we can put a stop to this. We're going to be heading to the beach Wednesday morning, and I would hate to leave with the killer still on the loose, it would be a real shame to lose more chickens. Shoot, it's a real shame that we have lost all that we have so far. Let's hope he falls for the trap.

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