Saturday, June 25, 2011

Potty success continues!!

Emma Kate was dry overnight and has been dry all day! EVERY peepee and poopoo has been IN THE POTTY!!!!! She is so proud of herself for keeping her nice panties dry, and she talks about it a lot. She did wake up once last night crying and calling for help, and when I went to her, she said she had to go potty- as I helped her to the bathroom, she continued crying, and when I asked about her panties, she said they were wet. She sat on the potty and continued to cry, and when I checked her panties, they were bone dry... hmmmm. I didn't know what to make of it, she said she was done on the potty, and she went right back to sleep as soon as she was back in bed. Maybe a dream about going potty??? She has continued to stall bedtime and naptime by continuously saying she had to go potty, and I finally put my foot down today- at nap time, she did go peepee in the potty, but then she kept insisting that she had to go, and made a few "practice runs" without any production. Each time she got back in bed she wanted to cuddle. I told her firmly that naptime is time for sleeping and not time for practicing going potty. I let her make one more run, and when she didn't produce anything again, I pointed out that she was practicing. I told her that she was taking up all her cuddle time practicing and that she was done going potty for now. She was upset for literally about a minute, and then she was silent- she fell asleep so fast. I was relieved that it worked, and since waking up, she has gone on her own again and seems just as enthusiastic about keeping her panties dry, so hopefully I didn't cause too much of a backslide with my choice of words. We'll see shortly how bedtime goes. We did have quite the accomplishment today though, we went into town and spent a couple hours including lunch at Olive Garden. We brought the potty with us and set it up in front of the car in a secluded parking spot. She made one dry run, then she made a peepee run! She made one more practice run before we left. We were so excited to see that she can do it even when we're away from home! And luckily we didn't have any desperate "I need to potty" comments while driving... We'll be heading in to get Gretta a vaccine monday morning and I just hope we can get the initial pottying out of the way in time to hit the road and not be late. We'll see how it goes! We're quite proud of our Emma Kate!!! :)

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