Sunday, June 19, 2011

Here are a few recent pictures! Emma Kate ready to pick blueberries- the pink bucket was perfect, so similar to the little blue bucket Dora uses in their "Berry Hunt" episode that she likes so much... we always joke about why Dora didn't choose the pink bucket... Only downside is the size- we fill it up too fast and have to find another container to put more berries in!! :)
Here is a sample of the goodies we're getting off our bushes- they are sweet and juicy and wonderful!!! And some of them are truly monsters!!!
I think Gretta is trying to tell me something here... no, I'm not ready to give you a cup, little one... :)
Gretta is pulling up to standing now, no longer bending over to do it- she stands fully upright and can reach up quite far! She has already gotten into trouble this way at least once or twice, and we're having to really baby proof again, there's so much more in her reach now.
I don't think our new plumber knows what she's doing... :) Gretta is fascinated with Emma Kate's potties, and she actually figured out (like Emma Kate did soon after we bought them) that the music reward can be activated by touching the little metal plates in the bottom of the bowl!
The little cutie, so happy with herself! She has been such a good girl recently, keeping herself entertained with some pretty random kitchen stuff... :) And she has been mostly patient while I'm working with Emma Kate and the potty... except when she decides she wants to close it up while Emma Kate is sitting on it! Emma Kate responds... "Oh, Gretta!!"

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