Monday, June 6, 2011

Pictures are still to come... we've been dealing with another family crisis- Mom (Mimi) woke up Sunday morning feeling extremely weak and sick, and over a few hours was feeling well enough to crawl into the car to get back home. After no improvement and possible deterioration through the day, she finally went to the ER and got examined. A CT was performed and they concluded that she was bleeding from her spleen. They suspect that the CMV that she had been battling for weeks had apparently taken it's toll and weakened her spleen to the point that I guess it ruptured (I'm a little hazy on the details of what exactly the pathogenesis was). She was taken to surgery in the middle of the night and had her spleen removed. She is currently in the SICU and pretty well doped up on Morphine. She will be there for a few days before moving to a regular room. We're not sure how long she will be in the hospital. We understand that she is doing well, is comfortable, and is pretty sedate. We plan to head that way to help out however we can before leaving for Cincinnati on Monday.

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