Wednesday, November 26, 2008

We had a great day today- We went into town to get breakfast at Cracker Barrel- Emma slept through most of the meal, and just when we thought Emma was getting fussy, she seemed to calm back down again.  After a quick trip through a few stores, we went to the mall where Daddy carried a sleeping Emma K around in the carrier- she had a brief glimpse of Santa!  She did really great- she seemed to enjoy the walking.  Meanwhile, Mommy was finally getting her hair cut- it was long overdue, and "in the holiday spirit" she decided to chop it off and donate it to Locks Of Love.  Mommy says she feels at least a pound lighter! :)

After coming home and having a little nap and some milk, Emma napped again...  She had a wonderful bath (I guess it was just right this time!) and got all nice and clean, pj's on, and just hung out for a little while.  Emma K even let Mommy and Daddy eat their dinner with two hands, and start a movie before she remembered it was her duty to keep us on our feet and bouncing!

Hopefully we have a good night ahead of us, filled with lots of sleeping!

1 comment:

Mimi said...

Emma, crying doesn't look good on you! Put on a happy face and let mommy/daddy get some sleep! See you next weekend....Love Gma Ruthie