Thursday, November 20, 2008

Emma is currently out of the office...

Emma is sleeping in the sling, so I thought I'd post a little update with some pictures from the visit at Grandma and Grandpa's house recently.  We had a great time, got to visit with a lot of people for the first time, and got to share the fun of a sink-bath with Grandma and Auntie Kimberly.  We've had a bit of excitement here, as I think Emma is starting to figure out how to smile- she and I were making faces at each other this morning, and I saw a glimpse of a true smile! It was so great.  Then she started making new sounds too- "Ah-roooo"  it was too cute.  I can't wait until she starts making more little noises and trying to talk.  We're still working on introducing a bottle of milk (so she's used to it when I go back to work) and while it worked like a charm the first two times, recently it has been much harder- she has a hard time when she wants to sit and take a break but milk keeps dripping out of the bottle... I think she gets frustrated and sometimes tries to choke on it- scary.  I think we'll try to find some slower-flow options if there are any...  

The first two pictures are here at home a while ago, I caught Daddy snoozing with little Emma K and thought it was priceless.  The next picture at the top is actually Emma K in the swing bundled in Grandma's blanket- can you find the baby?  :D

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