Thursday, April 21, 2011

Grrrrr I don't know what changed about the picture layout here, I can't seem to get it the way I used to!!! Argh! Oh well... here are some recent pictures- Emma Kate hanging out at the gymnastics class, eating mommy's made-from-scratch pumpkin ravioli (yummy!! Yes, that is a stuffed mouth, not a look of disgust on Emma Kate's face...), more half-naked activities (vacuuming this time), Gretta and all her many expressions, Emma Kate picking out a new cow, balancing a teether on her head, and helping Daddy put new plates on the Volvo- the volvo was a gift to us from Grandpa Saz and Abuelita, to replace the Camry that was totaled in the accident. It is a wonderful car and an amazing gift! Greg finally got his wish for "PF" plates- Professional Firefighter... and then of course more *censored* nakey shots of the baby. She just enjoys nakey time so much, and those little chubby parts are too cute to keep covered all the time- before we know it she will be all grown up, we have to enjoy it while we can!! Gretta is so funny when she is naked, she is especially ticklish on her sides, and she will curve her body so tight it changes where all the rolls are each time you do it... :) She continues getting stronger and stronger with her sitting and can go a little while before tips to one side or the other, and she is so incredibly mobile on the floor now- she turns herself around, rolls over and over, and is across the room before you know it! She has started really tucking her knees up under herself tightly too, both when she is playing on the floor as well as when she is sleeping- we call it "turtling" and it reminds us of when Emma Kate used to do it too! Too cute...

Today is Earth Day 2011 and marks the start of our attempt to go without electric lights for the summer, or however long we are able to manage it... :) We got our beautiful and amazingly fragrant beeswax candles yesterday, and today I covered the light switches in the house with little pieces of cloth to remind us not to just grab for them when we go into a room... It is so cozy and relaxing having the candles flickering... We also had a visit from a guy who does green energy options to see what is involved in doing some solar/wind power for the house. It's all very interesting and we just wish there was more support for these means through the government so that everyone could use them- WHY NOT?!?!?! Hopefully soon... :)

1 comment:

missamandabeth said...

Joe and I loved our year without lights, only oil lamps, but as soon as we got the solar panels....
We still have all our oil lamps and will occasionally light one just for ambiance. We also had some solar lanterns we'd use for night time fire-free reading lamps. Have fun with the candles!