Monday, May 2, 2011

Another long stretch since the last post... we've had some issues being able to log in to the site for a little while, plus things have been really busy! We've got the workshop painted and have started organizing out there, and Greg has been working on getting trim work up in the new bedroom so that we can hopefully get carpeting in and start using it soon! (The bathroom will be finished later!) We've had a lot of fun lately- we did a little egg hunt for Easter- Emma Kate had a great time finding the eggs and was very excited to find a little treat in each one! She let us hide them again, and then she "hid" them for us. We enjoyed a long time outside since it was a gorgeous day. The other fun thing is Romp-n-Roll! This is our sort-of solution to the gymnastics class- it is more of a play room with some of the same gymnastics pads, but not a whole lot of direction, just having fun! They have the kids play, then bring out some musical instruments, then play, then music, and play again before going back into "Rompy's room" (Rompy is the mascot dog) to say goodbye. It was so much fun Emma Kate actually started to cry when she realized it was time to go! They do a 45 minute session and apparently that wasn't nearly long enough! It was great, we got her a little Tshirt with Rompy on it and she is constantly asking about whether or not it is clean... :) We signed her up for 4 weeks of classes one day a week and it has been a great thing to look forward to. Unfortunately I got sick at the end of the week with a bad cold and Emma Kate picked it up over the weekend. She's much better but still getting some pretty yucky snots, so we haven't been in this week yet.

Gretta is amazing- she is so strong!!! She has been pushing up to all fours for about a week or more, and she does this little "praying mantis" move sort of wiggling back and forth- I'm sure she will crawl before long! Yesterday she even went from the all-fours position to a sitting position and just looked up at me like "what?" when I was all excited. She can sit for a while before toppling over to one side, and I can't believe how mobile she is even without crawling- I seem to remember this stage with Emma Kate too- you put her down on the floor and within 3 minutes she is clear across the room! Emma Kate has been very attentive to her baby sister and is always explaining to me what the baby needs if she is fussy- funny thing is, she's almost always right! :) hehehe

Here are some recent pictures of our goings-on...

1 comment:

missamandabeth said...

Such beautiful little Easter dresses for beautiful little girls.