Monday, April 18, 2011

Off to a rough start

Emma Kate had a rough night last night, waking a few times crying and one of them was quite difficult to get over. It wasn't a night terror, she hasn't had one of those in a while, just crying and upset and every time she settled, she would start back up again. Eventually after cuddling for a little bit, she settled, and finally went back to sleep. This morning, around 6am she started moaning and shifting position a lot. I figured she would be up any minute, but it didn't amount to much until about 6:30 when she started to cry a little bit. Gretta had just nursed, so I left her to go check Emma Kate. She was still mostly asleep but fidgeting, so I climbed in with her to cuddle and hoped the transition to being awake would be better that way. Well, apparently I woke her up more by getting into bed with her and after about 2 minutes she was saying she was done cuddling and wanted to get up. Gretta was woken up by the loud talking, and so we went in to get her. From there it was just miserable, nothing was right, nothing was good, nothing was fast enough, nothing made poor little Emma Kate happy. It was just destined to be a misery no matter what happened. Eventually I just told her she needed to go lay down on her bed until she could settle (she was just being such a handful with all the complaining and whining- it is pretty far from normal for her, especially in the morning!), and after about 30 minutes of ongoing complaints... she fell back asleep. She woke up about an hour later, and it was like the day started over fresh again, and she was chipper and happy! Thank GOODNESS!!! She had not slept for her nap yesterday either, so I think she was just still tired... I made sure she slept today- when she continued to talk in her bed for 30 minutes and then call me to say she was "awake," I got in with her and cuddled for about 5 minutes before she was *out* and she slept for 90minutes! That's a really good nap for her! Hopefully she will sleep good tonight... I don't think I can take another morning like that one again! It was AWFUL!!! :(

Gretta was a great little girl today, we're working on getting her down to 2 good naps a day so that hopefully she will sleep better at night... lately she has continued waking up every 1.5-2 hours after about 10 or 11pm, which has been exhausting. She did better last night and napped well today so hopefully it will be a good night! She spent much of the day entertained by some toys and watching Emma Kate, and is loving the "chew toys" we got her. We keep thinking that teeth must be on the way but nothing has come up yet! She has been enjoying participating in story time before Emma Kate's naps, and Emma Kate has enjoyed reading books to her! It's so sweet- I think a lot of it is just memorization, but she gets all excited about certain parts of each book and puts a lot of emphasis into the words. Gretta likes the pictures I think... :)

We are making a little headway around here, working in the evening after the girls are down for the night- Greg has been working in the garden and little by little in the addition, and I've taken on the project of painting the walls of the workshop so that shelving/work tables can be put up and all the tools and boards can be stored properly. It will be so nice once it is all set up!

We have had a couple of really fierce wind storms here in the last couple of weeks, and just the other day we had crazy winds from the south which is really unusual here. One of the walls on the old, old part of the old shed actually got blown off- it was ironic because I had just mentioned to Greg within the last month or so that I was amazed that the old old part was still standing- I had expected it to give in to the weather long before now. And I pointed out the fact that that part of the wall had shifted so much that it really didn't have anything significant for support... well, the only thing supporting it was the stretchers that the siding was hanging on, and apparently they weren't very sturdy- they mostly looked like sawdust from being ancient and having at one point in time been devoured by termites!! Pretty crazy. I think we're going to have to get out the last few items out of there before it completely goes... but watch it last another 5 years sitting there unused... ha!

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