Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Finally outside again!

We have had the craziest weather lately- one day it's nice, the next it's freezing, then in one day we had around 8 significant changes in condition. We had such severe wind the other night we all thought the roof was coming off! It was insane. Today was gorgeous out but still a little windy and chilly. We spent our outside time in the barn to stay protected from the wind, and had a great time! Gretta really enjoyed watching Emma Kate play in the hay- she was running and falling in it, and Gretta was just laughing!!! Emma Kate thought it was pretty funny too. Emma Kate has had a little runny nose for a couple days but it seems to be slowing down, never really amounted to much, thank goodness- knowing how little it took to put her in such bad shape last fall, it's wonderful to see her coping so well with it now- it's like it makes no difference for her now! It's just amazing.

We had a nice visit with Grandpa Saz, Abuelita, and Aunt Alexa this past weekend. Alexa got to come down with Addison, and Emma Kate still refers to "that boy" when she recalls something he did. We had a great brunch with them at Cracker Barrel- one of very few times we have been out to a restaurant with everyone in tow! Gretta decided to do us a favor and take a nap shortly after we arrived, and miracle that it was, she woke up just as we were finishing eating!

I'm having trouble with the website that hosts all my pictures, hopefully we'll get some new ones up soon!

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