Tomorrow (Sunday) we will be on the road again... Nana is here at the house to take care of things while we are gone and to make sure Greg has someone here to help him. The girls and I will be taking our friend Amanda with us on the road Sunday evening (hopefully both girls will sleep sleep sleep in the car...) and heading back up to Cincinnati. Emma Kate will get scoped again up there and we will make sure there is no more granulation tissue (or if there is, it will be removed and well will start the nebulized ciprodex again), and to make sure everything is looking good. This will also determine how long we go until the next check, probably 2-3 months at this point before we scope her next, if all goes well. She has been doing awesome and is active as ever! She has been a great helper lately, especially with the laundry... which we seem to have an abundance of lately...
Daddy has settled back in at home, we've set him up downstairs so that he has easy access to everything without having to go up and down the stairs, although he seems relatively comfortable doing that anyway. He's up and around part of the day, and takes breaks to lay out flat several times. He seems to be getting some sleep although I don't know how restful it is at this point. He's taking muscle relaxants to help with the tight and spasming muscles, and it seems to help knock him out at night at least. He's wearing the neck brace full time, and we managed to swap it out for a more disposable one for a shower this morning, and changed the pads on his main one before putting it back on. Hopefully it will get easier with time, and we're waiting until his reassessment on the 24th with the neurosurgeon and the trauma team to see how long the brace needs to be used.
I figured I'd post some pictures before we head out of town, since I'm not sure when I'll have another chance to do it...
Emma Kate waiting in line for a diaper change... she always reminds us about Gretta's "grabbers" whenever we ask her to lay beside the baby- a few times now she's gotten her hair "grabbed" and she knows to look out for those little tight fists! And look at those high-water pants... those were the overalls that were going to be put away to grow into towards the end of the winter and into spring!!! Oh well... :)
I think this was right before the grabbers came out- Emma Kate was trying to squirm away!
Gretta was having a blast rolling around on the sofa bed this afternoon- I laid her down for a diaper change, and within minutes she had squirmed and rolled a complete 180 degrees away from me! She's quite squiggly! There were so many precious pictures I couldn't pick the best ones... so I just posted a bunch.. and these are just some of the good ones where no naked parts are showing... there were an awful lot of good ones like that! :)
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