Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Just a couple pictures and a quick update- Gretta has really been enjoying her tummy time, and is getting really good at doing "airplane" with her legs and arms off the floor. Emma Kate was all excited about doing a sort of "Matchy-matchy" day with "owie owies" (overalls) and patterned shirts, she was so happy to pick out Gretta's outfit like hers! Emma Kate has also been very good about helping make sure Gretta watches her "blue movie" (the starter video for Your Baby Can Read) nearly every day. Gretta has been laughing more and more and definitely seems very ticklish on her belly, armpits, and neck! Daddy really has a knack for getting her going! It was a really nice day out today and we enjoyed several hours outside, and Charlie got to enjoy several hours of backyard grass too- Emma Kate helped to lead him out and thought it was HILARIOUS when he snorted... she kept saying that he needed a tissue... Poor old guy, I have thought for a long time he was a little "off" neurologically, and he definitely seems more so to me since we have been back home. We're trying to get a little more weight on him since he lost so much over the winter, and he is more than happy to help keep the yard mowed... :) Emma Kate has been doing so well at night for a week or so, with no waking/crying like before, so we have finally moved her out of our room and back into her own room where she can have quiet all night, since Gretta wakes us up several times a night still. I miss having Emma Kate within arms-reach, but I know she will get much better sleep in her own room now. Gretta has been moving around so much that we finally broke down and started using the crib for her as well- she will stay in it for the first part of the night while we are still up and taking care of things, and so far it's been a big help. But she still ends up coming to bed when she is first ready to nurse... and this still varies greatly each night... We're still trying to figure out a bit of a routine, but each time we think we have it down, she goes and changes it up on us! Better leave it at that, I need to catch up on some missed sleep tonight... :)

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