Saturday, December 13, 2008

Big day of baking!

This is my new bouncy chair- sometimes it's good for sleeping instead of bouncing...

And sometimes it's fun to bounce in while Mommy bakes!  (Thank goodness she has good balance!) Let's see, we made fudge, peanut brittle, fudge chews, congo bars, and reindeer cookies!  This morning we made pumpkin pie for Mommy's office party tonight.  We haven't posted much lately because we've been so busy- Mommy had to go to work Monday and Tuesday, so we hung out at the office with the ladies there.  Both days, Mommy only had to do one call, so we didn't have to break out the bottle- I'm doing better again with breastfeeding now that I've been "off the bottle" for a week, thank goodness!   The ladies at the office had fun taking care of me while Mommy worked on her truck and office a little too.

Joe and Amanda gave us this wrap that we can use in all different kinds of ways, it comes in handy for cooking too, we're going to experiment with different ways to tie it on Mommy and Daddy to carry me around.

And finally, here I am in my new winter duds, ready to go out in the world!  I've got a little room to grow into the suit, so hopefully it will last me a few months! 

Daddy found us a great Christmas tree, and we're almost finished with the decorations- we'll post a picture when it's done.  

Now to finish up a good nap so I'm ready to party tonight!!


Mimi said...

What a cute little pink bear! Happy to see the bouncy chair is a "hit!" Love, Mimi

Elizabeth said...

Cute pictures! I was at a baby shower last night, and she got a similar wrap and the person who gave it was showing all the different ways to use it. I've been wanting to send you guys a baby gift or money to get something you still want/need, but keep forgetting to ask someone what your address is. I'll have to figure that out! Sorry to be so late.