Sunday, October 17, 2010


Are we seriously trying to drop the afternoon nap??? IMPOSSIBLE I SAY!!! About 2 weeks ago, just for one day, Emma sat in her crib for an hour just talking, singing, thumping, etc. But never fell asleep. Then she went right back to her normal, easy-go-to -sleep naps again. Two days ago she talked/sang/thumped for 30 minutes then called for Mama- she had a dirty diaper so I changed it, but was unable to put her back down again. Yesterday she talked/sang/thumped for 30 minutes or so then started fussing, so I got her up and laid down with her which is usually a sure-thing to get her to go back to sleep. But it didn't happen! Now today we had happy quiet time for *maybe* 20 minutes before she started fussing, and it doesn't look like there's an end in sight. She's not allowed to drop this nap so soon before the baby comes! It's just not right! I know yesterday she was tired because she fell asleep in the car after like 2 minutes when I went down the road (only a 5 minute drive anyhow!). We've been outside for a few hours today playing and I thought for sure she'd be tired and nap well again... this is so hard!!!

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