Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Well, Emma Kate had her 2-year checkup on Monday and everything is going well! She's healthy and continuing to grow on a curve that parallels the expected growth, but still below the 3rd percentile for weight. She's still around the 15th percentile for height, and 40 for head circumference!!! (Maybe she *is* more related to her Auntie Kimberly than we thought!!! hehehe) She also got a vaccine, which she willingly reenacts if you ask her about it, and she doesn't hesitate to show you that she cried like a baby! She was all worked up for the shot, got it, and then very quickly was fine again. So silly! We'll have her weight checked again in 6 months, and her next regular appointment will be at 3 years. In the mean time, there are a few vaccines she still needs to get caught up on, so we'll be in for the occasional poke...

Mommy had an appointment this morning and everything checked out well- I've gained 32 pounds (within normal, but holy cow it sounds like a lot!!) and blood pressure is slightly low if anything. The baby bump is measuring normally, although when it came time to measure, the little bean pushed her rump waaaaay up in the air and made it stand out under my rib cage, it was pretty funny.

We've had lots of good time outside recently, Emma Kate has been a huge help weeding the blueberry patch, and we finally got a little swing hung up in the loft for her. She has a lot of fun in it and sometimes it takes a while to convince her it's time to get out of it! She still loves feeding the chickens, and she knows that every time we go out, we need to check the water. It's so cute.

Things are cool and very windy today, so probably not great for outdoor fun, but maybe we'll do some swinging up in the loft where we're protected from the wind.

Still a few pictures to come too!

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