Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Here are a few recent pictures to keep everyone happy! We just got a new double stroller, and Emma Kate had a great time helping to assemble it. She especially liked the air pump for the tires, and felt like everything needed a little burst of air, including her tummy, Mommy's tummy, and Daddy's tummy! :)

Posing in the new ride
We tried out the rain cover, and Emma Kate kept scrubbing her head on the inside- she got so much static in her hair, it was standing straight up!!
We've gotten a big kick out of Emma Kate's desire to take pictures with our camera... it's gotten to the point where I can't hardly grab the camera and take a picture without her stopping whatever cute thing she's doing and coming over to grab the camera from me. Daddy wanted to share a couple of pictures our little "photog" took the other day... For some odd reason, we seem to get an abundance of shots involving the naked doll butt! Here are just two samples of what shows up on our memory stick without us knowing...

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