Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wednesday evening

Well, we couldn't resist yet another trip to the aquarium yesterday, and I swear Emma Kate enjoyed it as much as she did the first time! She just has a blast there and continues to talk about it through the rest of the day and well into the next. She's really fond of what she calls "Big Mike" the alligator, but more in concept than actually sitting there and marveling at him. :) Just loves the frog bog too- so much fun!

Her scoping was this morning, and everything looks much the same as it did the last time- just that same little piece of granulation tissue reformed, otherwise pretty "boring" in there, which we love. The piece was removed again, and we're going to nebulize some ciprodex for a few days (hopefully this won't cause too much drama) and see if it will keep it reduced. We'll be back March 15th for another scope to see how things are progressing. So...... (drumroll) it seems Mimi got her birthday wish, and we are going to attempt to go home!!! After some really painful issues dealing with the GI folks and arranging for her PPN/lipids, we look like we're all set up to continue this at home with some pediatric GI guys in Roanoke supervising. We immediately started packing things up but it seems there's no bottom to the bucket- we constantly find more and more stuff to pack and organize and clean. I guess the one upside to having gotten her PPN/lipids delivered so late today is that it will force us to wait until at least 9am before we can leave (we can not take the pumps with us so we have to travel in her window time) so at least we will have a few hours to finish up in the morning. So hopefully tomorrow night we will be settled back in at home in Virginia! It just seems so surreal to think of being at home and comfortable... hopefully Emma Kate will settle right in and have an easier time at night being back in that environment, although it has been so long since she has been home, she might feel like it's just another stressful change... I just hope it will be an easy transition for her. Now just to get everything shoved into the cars and actually survive the long drive home... We are thrilled to say the least!

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