Thursday, February 3, 2011

Thursday evening

Well, either the 20% reduction in calories and glucose is making a huge difference, or I'm just seeing what I want to see... Yesterday's bag was the first of the reduced batch (from 18% glucose to 12.5% I think) and lo and behold, there was no vomiting last night! I seriously wonder if she was getting hyperglycemic after several hours on the stuff... I guess I can't really hang my hat on one night, but hopefully there will be more! Emma Kate did wake up crying a little bit three times, but settled back down pretty well each time. From about 4:30 to 6:30am she was pretty restless and doing a lot of moaning and groaning, but she woke up in a pretty good mood when she was finally awake. She's also been talking about meal time more, and showing interest in eating by herself, which is a great improvement... this morning, she ate like 20 cheerios! On her own! It doesn't look like much when I put 20 cheerios in a bowl, but the fact that she took a piece of food 20 times in one sitting is amazing! :D Wish they were high-calorie cheerios... :)

Yesterday was a rough day for me- think I caught the same stomach bug again- felt like I'd been hit by a truck and nauseous all day long, couldn't really eat or drink anything much. Even had to get Mimi to help with Emma Kate's PICC dressing change because I couldn't sit up that long without feeling awful. Luckily it was gone when I woke up this morning... And this morning Emma Kate was having a bit of a runny nose, but it seemed to stop after just a short while... don't know what to make of that. After a nice slow-paced morning, we decided to pack up and head out to the aquarium- she was so excited to see Big Mike again (he's the 14foot alligator there), and to see the sharks with the big teeth- she narrated a lot! I couldn't believe how well she did, running around a lot, and climbing stairs! She's down for a late nap now and hopefully will have a quiet night tonight...

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