Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Wednesday afternoon

Uncle Maffis (Matthew) came into Cincy to help out for a few days, and Emma Kate has warmed up to him very fast. We've had a lot of fun playing with toys and dolls, and watching NEMO! We're still working on stimulating her appetite- this morning she ate pretty well, a few tablespoons of grits and yogurt, and some Boost drink. She did (unfortunately) throw up yesterday evening right after she had taken in a good drink of Boost- she got upset when Mommy left, and the combination of being worked up, crying, and coughing led to another vomiting episode. Poor little thing. So she was *again* right at the 36 hour mark since the last "episode." She had been without any feeding tube for that 36 hours, but since she was unable to take in enough food and Boost to show that she would even come close to meeding her dietary needs, they decided to place another NG tube today. It was far more traumatic than the last several placements, and she was so upset when it was done, then she just passed out asleep. She's slept for about 2 1/2 hours now, which is a great afternoon nap. We might have to start waking her up soon... They have started her enteral feeds back up again with Pediasure, just starting at 5ml/hour and increasing slowly. Unfortunately she'll be cut off at midnight since she will be going under anesthesia tomorrow for scoping of her airway and upper GI system to see if there is any explanation for the vomiting.

Ok, I have to laugh because I typed all that in a couple hours ago, and in that short time things have changed. She was getting a fairly good start on some early dinner when she managed to vomit the freshly-placed NG tube out her mouth again. I've lost track of how many we've gone through now. Argh. This is awful. Hopefully we can find a cause and a solution in the OR tomorrow, or everything will be normal there and we can give the girl some time to get up on her feeds and be self-sustaining without a tube. I have a sneaking suspicion we will continue to deal with vomiting regardless, when she coughs or even sneezes. I guess we just have to wait and see what tomorrow brings.

On a separate note, Mommy and Daddy got much-needed haircuts today, and Mommy finally chopped it all off to donate to Locks of Love again! :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dear Robin, Greg, Emma, & Gretta,

We are sending you love and strength on this healing journey. You all are an amazing family.

With love & support,
Kelly, Mark & Silvio