Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Address here at RMH

Our address at Ronald McDonald House is
Ronald McDonald House of Cincinnati
Attn: Greg and Robyn Sazonov, RM 51
350 Erkenbrecher Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45229

The website to this house is www.rmhcincinnati.org

You can always use our cells to reach us but remember we are working different schedules than you might be so email is best. We thank everyone again for all of the support that we have been given. I can't begin to tell you what a relief it was to get into the RM House. We were being chased throughout the hospital by staff who didn't want to hear Gretta cry or didn't understand what it is like to have a nursing baby. The RM House director allowed us in a day early than a room was available just to let us use the common areas to walk with our girl, change her diaper, feed her, and keep her out of the hospital.
Gretta is smiling a lot now at us and saying "ah-goo" and sticking her tongue out when we do it to her. She continues to be our big pumpkin and we and she appreciate her Aunt Stephanie taking such good care of her while Robyn visits with Emma.
Emma had an alright night with two fevers that went away fairly quickly though they are not sure what is causing those. She had sedation issues this morning. It is so hard watching her cry and mouth "mama" over her tube. I tried to soothe her as best I could until they got more and different sedation into her. Uncle Ryan got her a toy she can hold on to. She really clamps on to your finger when you give it to her. I tell myself it is her having poor control of her muscles and not her being scared to death because I don't want to think about the latter.
She is back on the NAVA and so far doing ok. We haven't had good success in the past week with attempting extubation but we're all hopeful the next time will work. We'll let you know how it goes! Give your family members hugs!

1 comment:

jaxjudy said...

Gretta sounds like such a sweet baby! I know a lot of focus has been on Emma but we must not forget sweet Gretta too! I just want you to know how much I have been thinking of you guys and just keep praying for Emma and also for the rest of the family! I know this is a difficult time for you but you are strong and will get past it. Hang in there and God Bless you all!