Friday, November 12, 2010

Friday morning

Emma Kate did well overnight with stable numbers, and her ET was confirmed to be down at the carina like we need it to be. Her belly was distended some, and they monitored it overnight. This morning her belly is slightly bigger but they don't think it's tight. They still feel like it is the liquid diet sitting in slow intestines. They are confident it's not something more serious because it's not firm and her chemistries are all normal. They've ordered an U/S exam for today just to be sure her intestines and kidneys are still normal. She's developed a little sore spot near her subclavian catheter, probably from the dressing pulling the skin funny, so they're going to pull that one out and keep using the internal jugular catheter on the other side. So glad they didn't pull that one yet... I hate for her to be stuck for another catheter!! Other than that things are going well for the time being, and we're just hoping to ride through the weekend.

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