Sunday, January 24, 2010

Such a good helper!

Ok, I * swear* I have a new picture of Emma Kate, but it's in the camera, out in the car, and it's raining.... so it will get posted later!

We had a great weekend- Although Daddy was tied up with a class for part of the day on Saturday, we got to go to the annual "Guns-N-Hoses" ice hockey game for a little while to help sell tickets and get people in the door. The whole time we were there, Emma was constantly on the move- she was just running every time I put her down, and got hard to hold onto- she wanted DOWN! :D She was shy with some people, and very outgoing with others, it was really cute. We enjoyed a really nice dinner out with some friends afterwards, and had a safe trip back home.

Today Emma has been so much fun- she's started doing a lot of "organizing" on her own- Mimi says she takes after her Auntie Kimberly! She had her reading cards out on the floor, and on her own, she started gathering them together in a pile- I usually have her bring them to me and I stack them up, but she was doing it on her own! She's also been doing her shape/color sorting ball all by herself- for about a week or so, she's been able to get all 8 pieces into the ball correctly- it's so cute to see her pick up a piece and turn the ball over and over until she recognizes the right spot, and she'll put it in! She was such a great little girl all day long, until I got dinner together, and she suddenly got extremely upset... The only thing I could figure out that pacified her was nursing, and she started to fall asleep, so she got a quick bath and a very early bedtime! She went right to sleep!

1 comment:

missamandabeth said...

Does that mean you found the purple pentagon? :)