Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Ok, so yet again we have been delinquent with photos... Here we are almost midway into January, and we haven't yet posted pictures from Christmas and family visiting! I've only had time to put pictures up now without comments, Emma is demanding we go out for a walk since we've hit a heat wave- it's 45 degrees in the sun! And no wind!! We're going to get bundled up and head out for a walk. I'll post comments on the pictures tonight!

Here's Emma by our little Christmas tree- we left certain ornaments low enough that she could play with them and still be safe. She also really liked the little colorful lights- she would point to each one and Daddy would tell her what color it was. She also liked the green rope light!
Here's a cutie patootie making prank phone calls... someday we'll get caught for it I'm sure!
Emma likes to play with her swing, and she will sometimes put this bear in it (she got it from Aunt Judy this Christmas!) and she'll push it, I'm sure the bear is having a great time! :D
Studying the little cloth angel ornament- she could point out the eyes, nose, ears, and hair on the angel when we asked her to!
Just playin' around by the tree!
Reaching into the tree for a light I think... this cute little outfit was a gift from Aunt Kathy- too cute!
The little santa ornament was another favorite... it managed to escape the ornament box when we were packing things up again for next year...
Just another cute pose!
Emma getting her pug-love on while she has the chance
Showing off her Hokies cheerleading uniform- we tried to get her to pose with her arms up in front of the tv while the game was playing... to make it look like she was doing "touchdown!!" but it never panned out.... precious little getup though, given to her by some Hokie friends earlier this year!
Aaaahhhh, the velvet flaps... Emma and Mommy just can't ever get enough of them.
Apparently Emma tastes really good! We had to fend off lots of pug kisses!
Emma doing a new puzzle she got for Christmas- she's still a big fan!
An awesome singing purse- she loves it! We've long since memorized all her little songs... it's so cute. She loves packing the little items into it and pulling them out. The bracelet goes on her wrist, she kisses the mirror, and shakes the keys just about every time. This will be a long-term favorite I am sure!
Emma was a big fan of the wrapping paper- she would pull off a piece at a time and hand it off to someone... she likes to keep things tidy I guess.
I think here she's opening a cool Tag Jr toy that helps her to read books- she's figured out the on/off button and the volume button- and she's getting the hang of placing it properly on the books, but still needs a little guidance! It was out of the box and in use before I knew what was going on! I think that's what that box was.... :P
Another awesome puzzle- she loves the animals!
A precious picture of Emma with Mimi at Oddfella's Cantina, a Christmas celebration as well as Pop pop's birthday dinner!
The whole little family... by the "republic of Floyd"
Emma showing off her sweet moves on the dance floor...
Stretching her legs after dinner- she got all around the restaurant and loved dancing to the music!
Riding on Daddy's shoulders! Such a great night.

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