Sunday, April 5, 2009

TCB'n baby- Takin' care of biddness!

Daddy entertained me again with Dixie's stunts- she's a pretty goofy looking dog, she makes me laugh!!!

In case you can't read my onesie, it says "I'm cute."  How did they know that when they made it??

Today was one of those rare days that Mommy and Daddy are *both* home!  They were taking advantage of the wonderful weather (well, there were at least a few hours without the wind!), getting things done.  Daddy is just about finished with the new chicken coop- we're getting more layers and they'll live out in our front pasture with an electric mesh fence to keep them from getting out and doing more destruction to the property with the existing birds... (Mommy says argh...)  We also hung out together while Daddy planted some more blueberry bushes in the back- I can't wait until there are berries to pick!  Maybe by the time I'm 5 years old there will be some berries...

It's hard to believe I'm already 6 months old!  And one week to boot!

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