Sunday, March 22, 2009

Emma is ready for spring!!!

Here are some recent pictures, she's been a happy girl lately, although the last few days have been off and on fussy... we don't know for sure yet, but there may be some little teeth trying to make it out...

Jack just wanted to touch Emma... he's like that, he always wants to make sure you're right there...  But the evil eyes are a funny touch!  Emma has also decided on her own that she's ready for eating regular food- a salad was a good way to start... ha!  She has taken to gnawing on our bowls and glasses while we eat!  We've not yet started any foods, but it seems she'll be ready for it when we do start!

1 comment:

missamandabeth said...

This girl is destined to be a chicken charmer when she grows up! (Or maybe a chicken wrangler, depending on how her personality unfolds) I have never seen someone so mesmerized by chickens. She's already learning to take pleasure in the simple things in life.