Saturday, March 7, 2009

Snow... Then 75 degrees!!

This is one of the huge piles of snow that got blown together just outside our back door! This was completely natural... no shoveling involved!  Daddy had to clear a path out the door two or three times- it kept getting filled right back up with snow from the wind!

Here's Daddy getting ready to clear out a path yet again...

The snow was so deep and powdery, the wind created these waves in our back field- click on the picture to see the detail- it was absolutely beautiful!

Here's another bizarre-o mountain of snow, these things were all over the place, anywhere the wind got stirred up.

Now today, it's got to be in the 70's, and this is about all that's left.  It used to be a huge mountain about half the height of the garden fence.  It piled up like that about a foot away from the actual fence, it was like a little pathway had been left around the fence!

During all that snow and cold weather, we kept the stove burning around the clock, and the house stayed pretty toasty warm.  We spread out a quilt in front of the stove for Emma to play on and practice her rolling over, she's gotten quite good at it, and likes to grab at toys in front of her when she's on her belly- tummy time isn't all that horrific any more! :)

Emma's been especially helpful recently, she loves to get meals together and help in the kitchen

It's the amazing STANDING BABY!! :)  She's gotten so big and strong in the past few weeks, the progress is just amazing!

The jumparoo remains one of her favorites still.  She has mastered all the toys now, spinning the sun and the lizard are her new skills.  She hasn't quite gotten the hiding tiger, but she loves it when someone else makes it come out!  We'll let everyone know as soon as Emma gets back in to the doctor and has her new stats available!

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