Thursday, November 10, 2011

Gretta's one year checkup

Gretta went in for her 1-year checkup on Monday and came in at 19lbs 12oz, and is in the 50th percentile for height (can't remember the number off my head!) Everything checked out just fine, and we are to continue working with her drinking from a cup. She still chokes a little on water and juice, but it seems to be a bit less frequent, and she's doing well with a different style sippy cup, whereas before only one cup was slow enough to prevent choking. As if she was waiting for her official checkup (as opposed to her actual birthday), she pretty much started walking the next day! She is a lot more stable with it now, and seems to have improved in balance just overnight! She will walk several steps without hesitation, although she still mainly goes from point to point, rather than walking all over. She still mostly crawls to get around, but today she was even stooping to pick up a toy and standing back up with no assistance! The knees of all the pants in her wardrobe are rejoicing!! :) She is *also* finally sleeping thought the night more often than not- Greg and I finally sort of moved out of her room and are sleeping downstairs in the new master bedroom, and I think Gretta likes having the place to herself. She occasionally will fuss for a minute or two maybe once in the night, sometimes twice if we accidently disturb her while dealing with Emma Kate, but she typically settles back down easily just by talking to her and shushing her. to say the least! It is such an awesome change, and it was well worth waiting for- she transitioned to it so easily and quickly, it took very little effort! We still end up getting woken up at least once in the night for Emma Kate, and more often it's at least 2 times, sometimes 3. She seems to be doing better about not crying and freaking out as much, most times she's calling for a potty run, or for help getting her covers back up. Seems like the thing that upsets her the most still is when Jack curls up on her bed- she wants him GONE! She loves him so much, but she says he purrs too loud and keeps her awake! :) Gretta has also recently developed a fascination for the nose- she likes to point to and touch everyone's nose... and occasionally that little finger tries awfully hard to slip into one side or the other- she finds that absolutely hysterical! She seems to be communicating somewhat as well, with her own baby babble of course, but I think we're starting to see some patterns! We still have pictures from her birthday and a few more recent shots to post, but I'm leaving it for another night... I'm off to bed while the sleeping is still good.

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