Well, a lot has happened since our last post! These are all a little random, but here's an update to get everyone caught up!
We had two incredibly awesome cantaloupes grow this year, I had my doubts they'd ever be "right" since we've never ever had luck with melons... these two were PERFECT!!! They were ripe and sweet and juicy and orange!!! Soooo delicious! It was a shame we only had two, but since they ripened at the same time, I'd imagine if we had a whole lot more we never would have been able to eat them all before they went bad! Oh so good...
There has been some really great progress on the addition- actually more since these pictures were taken. Right now all the rafters are up on the rear portion, and the little hip at the end has been framed in. The guys are doing an awesome job on it!Emma Kate had some concerns about some measurements that had been made, so she took it upon herself to check behind the guys and make sure everything was right...
Emma Kate has been such a big helper lately- she's helped mommy vacuum, do laundry, wash dishes, etc... she took it upon herself to clean the stroller too, it occupied her for a good 10 minutes or so!
As usual, Emma Kate often has a blast "putting on" her wardrobe... often times she gets frustrated with it or freaks out a bit when things get stuck on her head, but every now and then she gets it just right- she was having some nakey time and started playing with her swimsuit- and she got it on perfectly!! We were all so excited- it was just so cute!
There's been a recent fascination with the camera... Daddy's been teaching Emma Kate how to use it and she's taken some interesting pictures... this one was cute though, she got a snapshot of the VT tattoo she finally let Mommy put on her foot for the Tech game on Monday! This is the second time she's been super hesitant at first but then absolutely loves having it on once it's done!
We're very proud to announce that Daddy has officially been promoted to Lieutenant at work!! They had the promotional ceremony this evening and Mommy got to pin his new "Lieutenant" badge onto his uniform! The best part of the evening was seconds before we were all supposed to go up in front of the group for the badge ceremony, and Emma Kate announces "DAGEN!!" which means diaper... and usually means poopy diaper... no one else knew what it meant, but it was funny to us!
Emma decided to be a little monkey after the ceremony, she was having so much fun!
Blogspot is mixing up my pictures and when I try to move them around they get deleted and I have to reload them.... Anyway, here's Greg with his Battalion Chief Tom Bier
And back to the monkey
We're very proud to announce that Daddy has officially been promoted to Lieutenant at work!! They had the promotional ceremony this evening and Mommy got to pin his new "Lieutenant" badge onto his uniform! The best part of the evening was seconds before we were all supposed to go up in front of the group for the badge ceremony, and Emma Kate announces "DAGEN!!" which means diaper... and usually means poopy diaper... no one else knew what it meant, but it was funny to us!
Emma decided to be a little monkey after the ceremony, she was having so much fun!
Blogspot is mixing up my pictures and when I try to move them around they get deleted and I have to reload them.... Anyway, here's Greg with his Battalion Chief Tom Bier
And back to the monkey
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