Saturday, August 14, 2010

Today has been an overcast, slightly drizzly, and cool day- a very welcome change for once!! We've had so much fun already despite the dreary weather- we all went into town for some errands and got to stop in at the "Virginia Techniques" gymnastics school in Christiansburg for their grand opening- Emma had a blast playing on the equipment and seeing all the kids there- it was a huge crowd! Emma had a big grin on her face just about the whole time! We were probably there for about 45 minutes when they cleared the floor for a demonstration- the girls were really good and we were impressed, but Emma didn't find watching as much fun as doing... it was a lot of fun overall, and we really think that Emma will have fun in some tumbling classes.

Emma Kate has been so extra-affectionate lately, giving lots of kisses out and hugs with her arms tight around our necks, it is soooo sweet! She's also starting to say more words, like high, orange, please, and a few others I can't think of right now... Still she wants to grunt a lot instead of opening her mouth, but it's exciting when she uses one of her "words" instead!

We're going to have to try to take more "internet safe" pool pictures to post- I went and reviewed all the ones I had previously taken and found them a little too risque to post... surely there will be plenty of backyard pool-time left in the summer to get some good pictures! :)

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