Friday, October 1, 2010

Birthday girl Emma Kate!!!

So, Emma Kate's birthday was this past Wednesday, can't believe she's already two years old!!! We let her open just a couple things (mostly because she saw the boxes and wouldn't relent... the others I was able to sock away for our "party" night) on her birthday, and we were waiting for a good night when Daddy would have time before Emma Kate's bedtime so that we could have a little cake and a little party. Tonight Daddy got out of class an hour early, so we spontaneously decided to have the party tonight! Emma Kate got to play outside with Daddy while Mommy finished up in the kitchen, we had a yummy yummy soup for dinner, and then we got to eat the cake!! (It turned out really cute!) She opened the rest of her presents, including a new bath toy from Mommy and Daddy that failed to operate right out of the package... a pretty big letdown, I've been looking forward to her having this toy for WEEKS now!! Argh. She's gotten some great presents, and we thank everyone for her! She's actually been pretty good at remembering who gave her what gifts! :)

Here are some pictures of the birthday girl on her birthday and tonight with our little family party

Getting into some fingerpaints for the first time, a good rainy-day-birthday activity, right?? :)
The big birthday girl
She had a great time with the fingerpaints. I wasn't sure if she'd like getting her hands messy or not, but she was fine with it! She painted a few "rainbows" I think...
Getting to open some new shoes
Trying the shoes on Sophie... I love the look on Emma Kate's face here, she was just about to give Sophie a big kiss, and this is the sort of silly face she makes for kisses!!
Reading the cards
No, really, she is actually pretty good at getting shoes on her FEET!! :D
Emma Kate's ladybug cake (note the two candle antennae... ) :)
No touching the cake!!! ..... yet....
Ok, ok, so touch the cake.... :)
The "evidence" left behind... She was quite fond of the cream cheese icing... so was Mommy!

Opening some more cards

Having fun sorting through the gifts! (She's so organized...:) )
Finding all the features on the little play kitchen!
Thanks again to everyone who sent something, it was very thoughtful! We've had a fun week!!

1 comment:

Kimberly Moore said...

Thanks for the pictures - what a cool birthday cake!!