Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Here's our evidence for future use... Yes, there was once a time when Emma did indeed like veggies- more so *raw* veggies, or even frozen peas! She was helping prepare food for dinner, and Daddy nearly had to fight her to get the broccoli back to cut up! She was gnawing a little barren place on the side...

Daddy also picked some peas (which were grown from seed from last year's garden!) and Emma not only helped shell them, but she ate several herself! She would sort of pretend she was going to drop one in the bowl like Daddy, then she would divert and eat it! Yummy!

She's been a big helper outside lately, helping to pick good blueberries, helping to eat the raspberries, watering all kinds of stuff in the garden (not always what we would choose to have watered though!), and feeding the chickens.

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